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Science Olympiad

The Senior High School Division C (Astronomy)

help session will be on Sunday, February 23 rd, 2020, 2:00 to 3:00 PM at Mount Cuba Astronomical Observatory. Drivers need to be at Mt. Cuba Observatory by 3:00 pm to pick up their students. The help file for this session is available here,  The webinar is available here. The help file is a PDF file and it requires the free Acrobat Reader application.

The Junior High Division B (Reach for the Stars)

The help session scheduled for Sunday, March 15 th, 2020 at Mount Cuba Astronomical Observatory. has been CANCELLED. The help file for this session is still available and can be downloaded here. The help file is a PDF file and it requires the free Acrobat Reader application.


The Elementary School Division A (Reach for the Stars)

help session will be on Sunday, April 5 th, 2020, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Mount Cuba Astronomical Observatory. Drivers need to be at Mt Cuba Observatory by 3:00 pm to pick up their students. The help file for this session can be downloaded, when available, from this website. The help file is a PDF file and it requires the free Acrobat Reader application.


For Division A, please consider using free planetarium software for your laptop to practice finding the require objects on the list provided in the rules. Good free software is available at Stellarium which can be found at And one more reminder. For Division A, the room at the competition will be DARK and
the students will need a red flashlight. A normal flash light with red plastic over the light works great and is very inexpensive. Students have brought red laser pointers to the competition in the past. Red laser pointers DO NOT WORK and will cause eye damage!!!!!

Please do not get lost getting to the Mount Cuba
Astronomical Observatory. Directions can be found here. It is NOT Mount Cuba Center as most GPSs would lead you to believe. For your GPS,  use 1610 Hillside Mill Road, Wilmington, DE, 19807

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